User Guide for NUSMaze

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Quick start
  3. About
    3.1. Structure of this document
    3.2. Reading this document
         3.2.1. Technical terms
         3.2.2. General Symbols and Syntax
         3.2.3. Format of commands
  4. Features
    4.1. Viewing Help
    4.2. Showing all venues
    4.3. Routing
         4.3.1. Routing between blocks
         4.3.2. Routing to an eatery
         4.3.3. Routing to the closest eatery
    4.4. History
         4.4.1. Viewing History
         4.4.2. Repeating History
         4.4.3. Clearing History
    4.5. Alias
         4.5.1. Adding alias for block name
         4.5.2. Showing aliases
         4.5.3. Deleting aliases
    4.6. Daily Routes
         4.6.1. Adding daily routes
         4.6.2. Showing daily routes
         4.6.3. Deleting daily routes
    4.7. Favourite Routes
         4.7.1. Adding favourite routes
         4.7.2. Showing favourite routes
         4.7.3. Repeating favourite routes
         4.7.4. Deleting favourite routes
    4.8. Notes
         4.8.1. Adding notes
         4.8.2. Showing notes
         4.8.3. Deleting notes

    4.9. Exiting the application
    4.10. Saving the Data
    4.11. Loading Past Data

  5. FAQ
  6. Command summary

1. Introduction

Welcome to the User Guide of NUSMaze!

NUSMaze is a Command Line Interface (CLI) based application that aims to simplify NUS Computer Engineering students’ journey from one point to another within the NUS Engineering and Computing buildings. The application allows users to find the shortest route from one block to another, locate the nearest eatery, add personal notes to the location and many more.

NUSMaze uses Command Line Interface (CLI); this means that you operate the application by typing commands into a Command Box. If your typing speed is fast, you can operate the application faster than other Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications; GUI applications allow users to interact with the application through graphical icons such as buttons.

You do not have to worry at all even if you are new to CLI applications as this user guide will take you through step by step on how various features of the NUSMaze can be utilised, all geared towards providing the best possible experience to the user.

If you are interested, jump to Section 2 - Quick Start to learn how to navigate around the campus using NUSMaze.

2. Quick start

This section gives you step-by-step instructions on how to download and open the application.

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your Computer. You may install it here.

  2. Download the latest NUSMaze.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder of NUSMaze.

  4. Open your command line or terminal and navigate into the file directory where you saved the application. An easy way to do so is shown at the bottom of this section for both Mac and Windows.

  5. Key in java -jar NUSMaze.jar and press enter to launch the NUSMaze application.

  6. A CLI similar to Figure 1 below should appear in a few seconds.


    Figure 1 - CLI of NUSMaze

  7. Type your command into the command box at the bottom of the screen, and press Enter on your keyboard to execute it. E.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open a help window.

  8. Refer to Section 4 - Features for details on the commands you can use for each feature.

:information_source: Image below shows you how you can open home directory of NUSMaze in command prompt or terminal.


Windows Mac
Key in cmd and press enter. Right click on the folder and click on “New Terminal at Folder”

3. About

3.1. Structure of this document

We have structured this User Guide in a way to help you find what you need easily and quickly. In the next subsection, Section 3.2 - reading this document, you can find several useful tips on how to read this guide. The following section, Section 4 - Features, documents the main features of NUSMaze and provides explanation on how to utilise them.

3.2. Reading this document

This section introduces you to some technical terms, symbols and syntax that are used throughout the guide. You may want to familiarize yourself with them before moving to the next section.

3.2.1. Technical terms

The table below explains some technical terms that you may come across throughout the user guide.

Term What it means
CLI The Command-Line Interface (or CLI for short) is the user interface in which NUSMaze is based on. Unlike traditional Graphical User Interface (GUI) base applications, it may be less intuitive to new users. However upon familiarisation, fast typists may find it faster to use.
Command word The Command word refers to the keywords which NUSMaze recognises to invoke specific commands. These command words will be indicated by COMMAND WORD in the various sections below.
Parameter Parameter refers to the user input required after the user is prompted by NUSMaze

3.2.2. General Symbols and Syntax

The table below explains the general syntax used throughout the user guide.

Syntax What it means
command A grey highlighted block specifies a executable command or parameters that can be entered into the command box.
italics Italicised text indicates that the text has a definition specific to NUSMaze, or it is a caption for a Figure in the guide.
An exclamation mark indicates that the following text is a tip.
A warning sign indicates that the following text is important.

3.2.3. Format of commands

The following points explain the format of a command. More examples will be provided for each command in Section 4 - Features.

  1. Words in UPPER_CASE are parameters to be supplied by you.

  2. In all formats shown in features, → denotes a prompt from the CLI. A user input is expected after the prompt.

  3. All the examples provided below are simulation scenarios of expected user commands and outputs by NUSMaze.

  4. In each example, lines starting with > signifies user command.

  5. In each example, lines starting with * signifies a user input after being prompted by NUSMaze.

4. Features

This section contains all the information about the features of NUSMaze. You may enter a command into the CLI to use each feature.

4.1 Viewing Help

Lists all commands and functions of each feature.
Format : help
Example :

> help
1.  go:
	* finds the route to go from one block to another block or eatery
2.  history:
	* lists past 10 route searches
3.  clear history:
	* deletes all past route searches from history
4.  repeat history:
	* repeats the past route search of your choice
5.  add alias:
	* creates an alias for an existing block
6.  show alias:
	* lists all aliases that are currently active
7.  delete alias:
	* deletes an alias that was previously created
8.  add daily route:
	* adds a schedule for the selected day
9.  show daily route:
	* shows the generated route for the schedule of the selected day
10. delete daily route:
	* deletes the stored schedule based on the index number tagged to the day
11. add note:
	* adds and tags a note to a particular location
12. show notes:
	* list notes tagged to the given location
13. delete note:
	* deletes notes based on index number tagged to the given location
14. add favourite:
	* adds a favourite route
15. show favourite:
	* lists all favourite routes that were previously created
16. delete favourite:
	* deletes a favourite route based on index number tagged to the route
17. show venues:
	* lists all possible venues that can be used in the application (excluding user's alias)
18. bye:
	* exits the application

4.2 Showing all venues

List all the venues in Engineering and Computing campus.
Format : show venues
Example :

> show venues
Venues in Engineering faculty:
1. E1   | 7.  E4  | 13. EW1  | 19. LT6         | 
2. E1A  | 8.  E4A | 14. EW1A | 20. LT7         | 
3. E2   | 9.  E5  | 15. EW2  | 21. LT7A        | 
4. E2A  | 10. E6  | 16. LT1  | 22. IT          | 
5. E3   | 11. E7  | 17. LT2  | 23. T-LAB       | 
6. E3A  | 12. EA  | 18. LT5  | 24. TECHNO EDGE | 

Links between Engineering and Computing faculties:
3. AS6 | 

Venues in Computing faculty:
1. COM1 | 4. LT16 | 
2. COM2 | 5. LT17 | 
3. COM3 | 

3. ARISE & SHINE       | 7. STARBUCKS       | 

:information_source: These are the venue names that can be used in the features below.

4.3 Routing

4.3.1 Routing between blocks

Finds the shortest route to go from one block to another.
Example :

> go
Starting Block:
* e2
Destination Block:
* com1
Route: E2 -> E3 -> E4 -> E5 -> LT3 -> CHINESE LIBRARY -> CENTRAL LIBRARY -> AS6 -> COM1

:information_source: All the parameters for the Routing feature are case-insensitive.
:warning: Both parameters must be one of the Engineering or Computing venues.
:warning: The STARTING_BLOCK and the DESTINATION_BLOCK cannot be the same.

4.3.2 Routing to an eatery

It is also possible to find the shortest route to an eatery using the go feature.
Example :

> go
Starting Block:
* e1
Destination Block:
* starbucks

:warning: The STARTING_BLOCK must be one of the Engineering or Computing buildings.

4.3.3 Routing to the closest eatery

NUSMaze can also provide you with a list of eateries from closest to furthest if you are unsure which eatery to go.
Example :

> go
Starting Block:
* e1
Destination Block:
* eatery
Here are the list of eateries(from closest to furthest):
Select entry to go:
* 5

:warning: The STARTING_BLOCK must be one of the Engineering or Computing buildings.
:warning: EATERY_ENTRY must be an integer from 1 to 7.

4.4 History

4.4.1 Viewing History

Lists the past 10 route searches.
Format : history
Example :

> history
There are 2 records in your history: 
1. E2 -> COM1

:information_source: NUSMaze will automatically update your history to the most recent 10 searches.

4.4.2 Repeating History

Repeats past route search history.
Format : repeat historyREPEAT_ENTRY
Example :

> repeat history
There are 2 records in your history: 
1. E2 -> COM1
Select Entry to Repeat:
* 2

:warning: REPEAT_ENTRY must be an integer that is within the bounds of the history list shown.

4.4.3 Clearing History

Deletes all histories (past route searches).
Format : clear history
Example :

> clear history
Your history has been successfully cleared

4.5 Alias

4.5.1 Adding alias for block name

Creates an alias for existing blocks.
Format : add aliasBLOCKALIAS_NAME
Example :

> add alias
Enter block: 
* techno edge
Enter the alias name: 
* food
Got it! Successfully added FOOD as TECHNO EDGE's alias

:warning: Aliases cannot be used in the Daily route feature and favourite feature.
:information_source: Alias is case-insensitive for all commands

4.5.2 Showing aliases

Lists all aliases that are currently active.
Format : show alias
Example :

> show alias
Here are your aliases:

4.5.3 Deleting aliases

Deletes an alias that was previously created.
Format : delete aliasALIAS_NAME
Example :

> delete alias
Enter the alias name that you wish to delete: 
* food
Got it! Successfully deleted FOOD from alias list!

4.6 Daily Routes

4.6.1 Adding daily routes

Adds a schedule for the selected day.
Format : add daily routeDAY_ENTRYBLOCK → … → end
Example :

> add daily route
Here are the available days:
Select entry:
* 1
Enter location of the first activity of the day: 
* e2
Enter location of the next activity of the day: (Enter "end" to stop)
* e7
Enter location of the next activity of the day: (Enter "end" to stop)
* ea
Enter location of the next activity of the day: (Enter "end" to stop)
* end
Got it! Successfully added MONDAY's schedule!

:warning: DAY_ENTRY must be an integer between 1 and 7, each representing a day of the week (1 represents Monday and 7 represents Sunday).
:warning: There must be at least one block entered for the schedule.
:warning: Entries must be the original block names. Aliases are not allowed.

4.6.2 Showing daily routes

Shows the generated route for the schedule of the selected day, if applicable.
Format : show daily routeDAY_NUMBER
Example :

> show daily route
Here are the available days:
Select entry:
* 1
Location of activity 1: E2

Location of activity 2: E7
Route: E2 -> E3 -> E4 -> E4A -> EW2 -> E6 -> E7

Location of activity 3: EA
Route: E7 -> E6 -> EW2 -> E4A -> E4 -> E3 -> E2 -> EA

:warning: The DAY_NUMBER must be the index of one of the available days which has been displayed.

4.6.3 Deleting daily routes

Clears the schedule of the selected day, if applicable.
Format : delete daily routeDAY_NUMBER
Example :

> delete daily route
Here are the available days:
Select entry:
* 1
Got it! Successfully cleared MONDAY's schedule!

:warning: The DAY_NUMBER must be the index of one of the available days which has been displayed.

4.7 Favourite Routes

4.7.1 Adding favourite routes

You can add a route to favourites to easily access it in the future.
Example :

> add favourite
Starting Block:
* EA
Destination Block:
* E4
Got it! Successfully added new favourite route!

:information_source: All the parameters for the Favourite feature are case-insensitive.
:warning: The STARTING_BLOCK and the DESTINATION_BLOCK cannot be the same.
:warning: Aliases cannot be used in this feature.

4.7.2 Showing favourite routes

You can request NUSMaze to display all the saved favourites, if you have stored at least one route to favourites.
Format : show favourite
Example :

> show favourite
Here are your favourite routes:
1. EA -> E4

4.7.3 Repeating favourite routes

You can execute and obtain the route to take for your favourite routes.
Format : repeat favouriteROUTE_INDEX
Example :

> repeat favourite
Here are your favourite routes:
1. EA -> E4
Select Entry to Repeat:
* 1
Route: EA -> E2 -> E3 -> E4

:warning: ROUTE_INDEX must be an integer within the bounds of the favourite list.

4.7.4 Deleting favourite routes

You can delete a favourite route if it is not frequently used anymore.
Format : delete favouriteROUTE_INDEX
Example :

> delete favourite
Here are your favourite routes:
1. EA -> E4
Select Entry to delete:
* 1
Got it! Successfully deleted favourite route :)

:warning: ROUTE_INDEX must be an integer within the bounds of the favourite list.

4.8 Notes

4.8.1 Adding notes

Tags a note to a location of your choice, if the location exists.
Format : add noteBLOCKNOTE
Example :

> add note
Enter Block:
* starbucks
Enter the Note:
* give myself a treat of the new caramel macchiato flavour! :))
Got it! Successfully added and tagged note to STARBUCKS

:warning: The BLOCK must be one of the Engineering or Computing buildings.
:warning: The NOTE will be invalid if it is empty.

4.8.2 Showing notes

Lists all notes which had been tagged to the given location, if it exists.
Format : show noteBLOCK
Example :

> show note
Enter Block:
* starbucks
Here is the list of notes:
1. give myself a treat of the new caramel macchiato flavour! :))

:warning: The BLOCK must be one of the Engineering or Computing buildings.

4.8.3 Deleting notes

Deletes a note with the corresponding index number tagged to the given location, if the location exists and the note has been tagged to the given location.
Format : delete noteBLOCKNOTE_INDEX
Example :

> delete note
Enter Block:
* starbucks
Here is the list of notes:
1. give myself a treat of the new caramel macchiato flavour! :))
Select Entry to delete:
* 1
Got it! Successfully deleted note tagged to STARBUCKS

:warning: The BLOCK must be one of the Engineering or Computing buildings.
:warning: The NOTE_INDEX must be an integer within the total number of notes that the location has.

4.9 Exiting the application

Exits the application.
Format : bye
Example :

> bye
Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

4.10 Saving the Data

NUSMaze data is saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need to save manually.
Your saved data can be found in the data folder within your home folder of NUSMaze.

In the data folder you will find 5 text files as shown below.

:warning: It is highly recommended that you do not edit the saved data as it can cause loading issues in future sessions!

4.11 Loading Past Data

NUSMaze automatically loads your past data when the application is launched.
NUSMaze will inform you whether the data has been successfully loaded by displaying the message, as shown below, after the NUSMaze Logo.

[X] Alias data has been successfully loaded!
[X] History data has been successfully loaded!
[X] Favourite data has been successfully loaded!
[X] Daily Route data has been successfully loaded!
[X] Note data has been successfully loaded!

:information_source: If the saved data is corrupted, NUSMaze will automatically clear the data for that feature.

For example if favourite data is corrupted, NUSMaze will display:

[X] Alias data has been successfully loaded!
[X] History data has been successfully loaded!
[ ] An Error occurred while loading Favourite data. It has been cleared to default!
[X] Daily Route data has been successfully loaded!
[X] Note data has been successfully loaded!

5. FAQ

Q : Do I lose all my personalised routes and preferences when I close the application?
A : Aliases, daily scheduled routes, history and notes are all stored once you exit the app and loaded upon next entry, so you do not lose any data.

Q : How do I transfer my personalised routes and preferences to another computer?
A : Copy the entire data folder that can be found together with the NUSMaze.jar file on the first computer and copy it over to the same directory where the NUSMaze.jar file can be found on the second computer.

Q : What should I do if I don’t know how to travel from one block to another?
A : You can refer to this map to view the directions.

6. Command summary

Action Format
Viewing help help
Showing all venues show venues
Routing to the closest eatery goSTARTING_BLOCKeateryEATERY_ENTRY
Viewing history history
Repeating history repeat historyREPEAT_ENTRY
Clearing history clear history
Adding alias for block names add aliasBLOCKALIAS_NAME
Showing aliases show alias
Deleting alias delete aliasALIAS_NAME
Adding daily routes add daily routeDAY_NUMBERBLOCK → … → BLOCKend
Showing daily routes show daily routeDAY_NUMBER
Deleting daily routes delete daily routeDAY_NUMBER
Adding favourite routes add favouriteSTARTING_BLOCKDESTINATION_BLOCK
Showing favourite routes show favourite
Repeating favourite routes repeat favouriteROUTE_INDEX
Deleting favourite routes delete favouriteROUTE_INDEX
Adding notes add noteBLOCKNOTE
Showing notes show noteBLOCK
Deleting notes delete noteBLOCKNOTE_INDEX
Exiting the application bye